Patterns are Everywhere

Published in Vibrant Hutt magazine - Spring 2022

It’s incredible how we live by the patterns of our past, thinking we have free will when these patterns always dictate the outcome! Since starting my healing journey, I’ve started seeing patterns everywhere. I wanted to share with you how incredibly enlightening they are.

I can see my husband rolling his eyes as I say this, but YES, it's true … everything comes back to childhood. Actually, it's even further back - before we ever existed!

Did you know, 40 days before we are conceived, our subconscious is already learning how to fit into our family, and patterns are forming? During gestation, the time in your mum's womb, you also subconsciously learn how to handle projects. You start (1st trimester), keep progressing (2nd trimester) and finish (3rd trimester), as well as how you'll transition (birth). It's fascinating, and I'm always blown away by the patterns.

Take my birth story as an example. I was about two weeks late and came the day before I was to be induced. And my pattern? Before healing, I would always cruise to a deadline and then rush like a mad woman to complete just before the deadline came. I could never finish anything early. In my mind, there was no point. If you gave me a deadline, I would get it done in the nick of time. If I had 10 minutes before an appointment, I would dash to the supermarket and do a week's worth of shopping (a little exaggeration, perhaps). Never waste a moment and always arrive 'just on time' or up to five mins late. It was the story of my life!

Have a think about your birth story. Can you see any patterns? If you don't know your birth story, you can work it out by the patterns that show up when you transition anywhere and complete things. Are you an early completer? Do you need extra help to get going? Are you fast or slow? It's all there. You just have to look for it.

A client of mine has an intriguing birth story where her parents went to one hospital (over a very bumpy road) and then had to go to another. My client had an incredible pattern where she'd turn up for an appointment at a place she thought she was supposed to be and then inevitably find she was supposed to be somewhere else! The journey to get to her destination was often 'bumpy'. I mean, really? It blows my mind to see this! The good news is you can clear the patterns. Once you realise they are there, you can heal them. Excitedly, my client hasn't experienced this pattern since we cleared it saving her oodles of time and frustration.

I used to rush like crazy to get my article to Leigh at Vibrant Hutt, sliding in at the last minute. You'll be happy to know she didn't have to chase me this time!

Generational patterns are formed in the same way. We pick up, subconsciously, the patterns of our parents and continue, on repeat, to reproduce them. It takes a deep inward dive to find, understand and heal past patterns, but it's so worthwhile doing. When you heal, it heals those around you too.

Here's another example: a month before my lovely son was conceived, we thought we were pregnant, and the following month we were. This pattern played out in his birth, where we thought he was arriving, and then he wasn't - quite a few false starts on that one! Funnily enough, whenever he gets ready for things now, we ask, "Are you ready?" and get the inevitable "Yes". We go through lists - have you done XYZ - "Yes". And then, just as we're about to leave, there's ALWAYS something to be done. It's laughable and totally in line with his patterning.

I brought this topic up with a friend last night at dinner, and I loved the look on her face when the penny started dropping. She was born in a rush, in the doorway of the hospital. When I asked if she began new projects in doorways, she gave me the funniest expression and said, "yes!" I said, "Maybe you should sit in a doorway and meditate", and she laughed and said, "I already do!" The patterns are so undeniable when you start looking. How many people do you know that would sit in a doorway? For her, it's normal as it feels so natural and comfortable!

Another example: I absolutely LOVED being pregnant with my first child. I would have kept her in my belly for longer if I could have. I felt such a strong connection with her. I absolutely laugh now when she spends hours, I mean literally HOURS, sitting in the car. Every time my husband or I go out, she'll jump at the chance to sit in the womb-like space.

So, what do you do with these patterns once you've identified them? If you don't like the pattern and want to change it, then do! Sometimes just recognising them is enough. Other times you need extra help, and that's where I come in. It's usually a quick process once you've identified the issue. If you have something you can't work out, I can help unpick things using my intuition - I love helping people this way!

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