A time for reflection

Published in Vibrant Hutt magazine - Dec/Jan 2018

It’s a beautiful sunny day as I sit here writing and reflecting on my life. It’s over two years since I decided to pack-in my ‘normal’ job, sell my business and become all ‘woo-woo’.

Two years ago stress surrounded me on a daily basis; I had a full-time business with a full-time Mum job as well. I managed staff, budgets, sales, a full workload, clients, school, shopping, child care and more. I’m actually starting to feel stressed thinking about it! To top it off I have a husband who travelled a lot for work. My life was running from one thing to the next, and if one cog fell out of the wheel, I would be in pieces. I don’t know how I did it and I don’t know how thousands continue to do it!

I did know  something had to give. It just didn’t feel right anymore to continue the way I was. I wasn’t happy. My stress was affecting everyone around me. I finally listened to my heart, and my gut, and sold my business. It sold super, super fast and WOW did life change. For the better.

My life is so different now. I fully feel like I’m Mum in the mornings, not a member of the military getting kids to school so I can rush to work! I schedule time to get the groceries and manage the house, and that’s fun because I have time! I see wonderful clients, and I schedule in downtime so  I can sit and peacefully eat, do my marketing and have my evenings free.

I purposefully pamper myself at least once a month, and it’s something I really look forward to and something I would never have done before. I never thought  a life like this was possible. I thought I would be doing what I was doing forever!

Listening to my heart was the best thing I could have done! Life is so much easier and happier. The flow on effect is  my husband is happier too.

It’s important to reflect. Where’s your life at? Are you happy? Have you been putting off doing something because it’s too damn hard? Maybe it’s time to live a life you love too! Something to reflect on over these holidays for sure! And, if you’re not sure what you want that’s my job - I help you see your soul’s purpose. I help people with direction and clarity, and I totally love it!


I wanted to share a little secret with you. A well-hidden secret. Robynne has been running her crystal shop, Beau Cadeaux, (now named Beautiful Crystals) in Plimmerton, Wellington for years and so many people just don’t even know she exists!

Robynne, who owns and runs the place, hand picks every item! The crystals are stunning!

If you’re not sure what you’re after just talk to Robynne and she’ll be guided to what is right for you. Robynne loves helping people to connect with crystals so never be afraid to ask!  

Along with amazing crystals, you’ll find guidance cards, jewellery, spiritual books, trinkets and more.

If you visit around low tide be sure to check out the amazing rockpools over the road and the kid’s playground around the corner. There are yummy cafes too - a great day out! We love making a day of it. Visit her facebook page here.


Thank you!

I have so many lovely clients who read the Vibrant Hutt. Thank you so much for your support you’re all a joy and pleasure! Happy holidays to you all!

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Internal Solutions Ltd - Trading as Hayley Lowe - Modern Day Mystic
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